Our Purpose

We exist to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ who seek God’s heart, live God’s Word, love God’s people, and reach God’s world


Out of our purpose statement comes our vision to reach people for Jesus in our current and ever-changing community. We want to make disciples who are growing in their faith and making disciples themselves.

Core Values

Seek God’s Heart: We are committed to bring glory to God as our fundamental reason for living. 

Live God’s Word: We are committed to the Bible as the true and inspired word of God that changes and sustains lives. All of our ministries are centered on God’s Word.

Love God’s People: We are committed to value each person by demonstrating Christ’s love. We have a strong desire to make all feel like family when they attend our service or meet our members in the community.

Reach God’s World: We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in our world. We do this both locally and globally in various ways.

Olive Grove Church is a member of the Missionary Church, an evangelical denomination committed to church planting and world missions. For a detailed doctrinal statement, please visit The Missionary Church Website.

We’re making disciples of Jesus