The Bride: Deacons

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Have you ever worked for a boss who wasn’t worthy of your best work?

While the Bible doesn’t explicitly give the role of deacons in the church, some have pointed to Acts 6 as a prototype model for deacon ministry. Read Acts 6:1-7. The seven were appointed to ensure the distribution of food for widows. How did their service facilitate the apostle’s ministry? What are the three results of their service listed in verse 7?

If the result of deacon ministry is that the gospel spreads and the number of disciples increases, how does that translate to deacon ministry today? What can the members, the elders, and the deacons at OGC do to ensure that the gospel spreads to our community?

Because Jesus served us when we had nothing to offer him, we can serve others who cannot (or will not) offer anything to us. How does this dynamic affect the relationship between parents and their adult children? How does this affect a marriage?

The Bride: Elders

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Describe a time when a pastor encouraged, challenged, or strengthened you.

One of the roles of an elder is that of a shepherd. In John 10:11-15, Jesus contrasts a good shepherd with a hired hand, using himself as the example of a good shepherd. How does this inform the role of a pastor in a modern local church?

Read through the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3:2-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Which of these qualifications do you think would be the easiest to consistently live out? Which is the most challenging?

What are some ways that the elders of OGC can individually and collectively serve the members? What are some ways that the members of OGC can both individually and collectively serve the elders?

The Bride: Members

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

What has changed about US culture in the last 20 years? Does the Gallup data revealing a decline in church membership in the United States seem to you to be associated with other developments in U.S. culture? How do you think this decline will affect Christian churches in the next 20 years?

A Bible software search for “one another” reveals many commands about how Christians should relate to each other. Read these three examples: Romans 15:7, 1 Peter 4:9, and 1 Corinthians 1:10. Which of these do you think comes to us the most naturally? Which comes the least naturally?

Why do you think people want to be in the inner ring? What danger does that pose for membership in a church? What characteristics are commended in James 3:13-18, and what will be the result of church members demonstrating those characteristics?

Since church members are charged with the task of continually encouraging each other with the gospel in words (creation, fall, redemption, restoration), what are some ways we can incorporate the gospel into our conversations?

The Bride

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

What is one of your personal core values?

Read Olive Grove Church’s four core values. Which one resonates the most with you and why?

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus claims ownership of the church. If Olive Grove Church belongs exclusively to Christ, how does that affect our approach to ministry, and our evaluation of success and failure?

Have you ever worked a job you were really passionate about? What’s the difference in experience between working as a duty and working as a delight?

Read Ephesians 5:1.-2. What is one practical way we can meditate on Christ’s love for us this week? How can we walk in the way of love for others?

The Mission

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Do you like roller coasters?

When the disciples went to meet Jesus in Galilee, Matthew 28:17 says, “When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.” Do you think doubt is a bad thing? Why or why not? How should we respond to doubt in ourselves and others? (See also Jude 1:22)

Persecution of Christians is very common around the world, yet not very common in the United States. Do you think that persecution in the U.S. will get worse, better, or stay the same in the next 50 years?

If you were going to make one new disciple of Jesus per year for the rest of your life, how would you go about it? What strategies have been successful in your experience? What hindrances stand in your way? How can the church help you be successful?

The Morning

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Why does Paul say that if Christ was not raised then our faith is in useless (1 Corinthians 15:14)? How has the resurrection of Jesus Christ affected you personally?

Watch the following videos and discuss.

The Darkest Night

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Have you ever thrown a grown-up tantrum? Was it over candy?

Over and over, Matthew has taken great pains to point out moments when Jesus’ life fulfills Old Testament prophecy. What does this teach us about the Old Testament? What does this teach us about the character of God?

So many people are enslaved to idols of money, power, pleasure, and nationalism. What foundational human desires make these idols appealing? What does Christ offer that can bring true fulfillment of these desires?

Considering how Romans 1:25 characterizes idolatry, what strategies can help us remove the idols from our hearts?

The Dark Night of the Soul

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

If you were physically capable, would you free solo El Capitan?

The best way to identify an idol in your life is by how you react when it is threatened. Most people react with either depression, rage, or some combination. What do you think Peter’s idol was in Matthew 26, and how was that revealed by his actions?

Have you ever seen a deepfake video? How do you think our culture will react to this phenomenon? Does our culture value truth?

How can we know that we are better off with Jesus instead of with our idols?

The King’s Plan

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Do you have any roosters near your house? Do you have a rooster story?

How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus said they would all abandon him?

In John 10:18, Jesus said that he was commanded to lay down his life by his Father. In Matthew 26:38, Jesus said that he was overwhelmed with sorrow. And in verse 39, Jesus tells his father that if it is possible he would rather not go through with this. What does all this tell us about Jesus’ motivation to go to the cross? How should that affect us?

Describe a situation in which you didn’t want to obey God’s commands. What factors motivated (or would have motivated) your obedience in that moment?

According to Romans 12:2, allowing God to renew our minds gives us the ability to test and approve God’s will. What does this tell us about how God interacts with us? What will this mean for our walk with God?

Judgment Day

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Do you think most people are opposed to judgment? Why or why not?

In the parable of the stewards (Matthew 25:14-30), the master commends those stewards who invest wisely with the resources entrusted to them. What opportunities has God entrusted you with? How will you invest them?

In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus warns us not to mistreat the poor, the foreigner, the sick, and the prisoner? Why does this behavior make a person unfit for the Kingdom? Why do you think Jesus picked these categories specifically?