Zoom Meetings:
Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr
If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve
Discussion Questions:
Obviously, tacos are the best food. What is the second best?
In the parable (Matthew 22), many of those invited to the wedding feast were offended by the invitation. What kinds of things tend to offend people about Christianity?
When was the last time you saw someone genuinely panicked, depressed, or enraged? What were they trying to defend?
Read James 2:14-26. How does James characterize the relationship between faith, righteous deeds, and salvation?
There are over 6,000 souls in Nuevo, CA (and probably at least as many in your town). What barriers might keep them from receiving an invitation to the Feast? How can we help overcome those barriers to present the gospel?