
Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Genesis 2 gives us a brief picture of a perfect world, including Adam and Eve as the prototype for relationships (They were the first friends, the first church, the first family, etc.). How much of their example is still attainable after sin entered the world?

Read Genesis 1:24 and 2:19. According to these verses, where do the animals come from? Do you think this has implications for modern evolutionary theory?

In a healthy accountability relationship, how should Christians reconcile an honest evaluation of a person’s sin with the reality of grace? What light does Jesus shed on this discussion in John 1:14 and John 8:1-11?

Bonus question: John 7:53-8:11 does not appear in the earliest manuscripts. Do you think John 8:1-11 belongs in the Bible? Why or why not?

God’s Covenant With Humanity

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

A covenant is both relational and legal, but a relationship with a grocery store is usually transactional. Is there a store/restaurant to which you will be loyal, even if their prices rise higher than the market?

Compare the covenant in Genesis 1:27-30 with the covenant in Genesis 9:1-11. What are the similarities and differences?

How should the doctrine of the image of God affect the way we treat people? In general, do you think that Christians are more eager than non-Christians to respect and honor other image-bearers? Why or why not?

What are some ways we can participate in culture that will promote human flourishing?

The Days

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

What’s the most creative thing you do? What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

In the last few decades, the age of the earth has been a contentious issue for many believers. How important is this discussion and why?

Genesis 2:2-3 tells us that God worked for 6 days, and rested on the seventh day. While this text doesn’t explicitly command this pattern for us, Israelites were given instructions to follow this pattern later on (Exodus 20:8-11, Exodus 16). How does the Sabbath pattern teach us the gospel (see Hebrews 4:1-11)?

Download a free e-book (exp. July 25, 2021): Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund

It Was God

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Have you ever seen The Matrix?

The four worldview questions deal with origin (where do we come from?), problem (what’s gone wrong?), solution (how can it be fixed?), and purpose (how should we live?). How do secular people answer these questions? Do all Christians answer them in the same way? Why or why not?

Read Colossians 1:15-17. What are the implications of the doctrine of creation for us today?

What is the best way to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation?

The Bride: Victorious

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

The words, “Hear, Israel…” served as a reminder to the army of the character of God: he keeps his promises and will fight for his people. Read the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. What are the practical effects of habits like these?

Through his death and resurrection, Jesus defeated the devil, sin, and death. And yet, many Christians seem disappointed that God hasn’t delivered us from other concerns. Why do you think that happens?

Why does Romans 8:19-23 say that creation has been groaning? What are we waiting patiently for in Romans 8:25?

The Bride: Multigenerational Discipleship

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Who has discipled you and how? What makes someone a quality Christian mentor?

In Galatians 2:3-5, Paul insists that Greek believers should not be compelled to be circumcised. In this matter, the gospel was at stake. Why, then, does Paul instruct Timothy to be circumcised in Acts 16:1-3?

How does cultural deference promote the Kingdom of God?

The Bride: Baptism

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Hannah Baehr

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Have you been baptized? Who, what, when, where, how?

In Acts 9:1-17, we read of Paul’s conversion and baptism. If you were Ananias, would you baptize Paul?

Read 1 Corinthians 1:14-17. What do you think Paul means when he says “Christ did not send me to baptize?” Didn’t Jesus send all the believers to baptize?

Why might someone want to get re-baptized? Is there a time when re-baptism would be appropriate/inappropriate?

The Bride: Communion

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

Have you ever been distracted in a church service? How did you recover?

Read 1 Corinthians 11: 17-21. In Corinth, divisions in the church invalidated their practice of communion. What kinds of division threaten the global church today? What kinds of division may threaten Olive Grove Church?

As Paul continues his letter, he continues to teach the church about unity. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. How does this passage encourage us to express our unity in Christ?

At OGC, we meet simultaneously in four different locations every Sunday, the sanctuary, the annex, the patio, and online. How can we practically express our unity across those lines?

Paul “received from the Lord what [he] also passed on” (1 Corinthians 11:23). His solution to their division was to remind them of the basic doctrine of communion. How have you been taught the basics of Christianity? Have you ever interacted with a catechism before?

The Bride: Singing

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

What is your favorite worship song and why?

Read Colossians 3:11-15. How does corporate singing foster the kind of unity Paul is talking about? What would happen to a church that divides itself over preferences of musical genre, volume, or style?

In the last year, the restrictions on singing indoors due to the COVID pandemic forced us to recon with whether or not corporate singing was an essential requirement in every worship service. Although corporate singing is not a biblical requirement in all worship services, it is extremely valuable. What are we missing out on if we never sing together?

Read Colossians 3:17. What do you have to be thankful for?

The Bride: Unity

Zoom Meetings:

Tuesday, 7pm, facilitated by Ralph Childs

If you’re interested in having your discussion group listed here, contact Pastor Steve

Discussion Questions:

What would make someone such a terrible neighbor that you want to move away? Have you ever been the terrible neighbor?

The church in Corinth was divided into faction over which leaders they would follow (1 Corinthians 1:10-17). Have you ever seen a church divide like this? What motivates someone to follow a certain Christian leader over another? Why does Paul address this divisiveness so aggressively?

In John 17:21, Jesus prays for us to be united “so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Why do you think there is a connection between unity in the local church and the world believing the gospel message?

In what ways has Olive Grove Church, as individuals or as a group, expressed our unity within the last three months? How can we do so in the next three months?